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Village D-Tails Secondary Market 2017/2018 Update Packet For The 4th Edition Free Shipping 48 States


2017/2018 VILLAGE


4th Edition

Update Packet

This packet includes the 2017 and 2018 Update to 4th Edition 2 volume set of Village D-Tails sold separately.  In it you will discover the addition of all retirements for 2017, as well as all the new introductions for 2017 and 2018.  Newly announced Villages such as The Addams Family, The Nightmare before Christmas, Margaritaville and Harry Potter have been added along with the latest Deptartment 56 Dealer Commissioned Enclusives and much much more.  The new Silver Series for Dicken's Village and North Pole join the new Art & Architecture classification in this update as well.  You will notice some pages that will correct omissions and/or errors from the initial printing... Yes, there were a few!  We have re-constructed a couple of sections and the Table Of Contents to be wha we hope you find to be more user friendly. 

The pages in this update are packaged in the order of their replacement in the 2 volume set of Binders you have.  They begin with the first tab-4th Edition, and then continue on through both volumes, in order and accordingly.  Each section remains color coded, and has its own unique pagination, referenced in the lower left and right corners of each page.  The order of pagination correlates to the new Table of Contents that is also included in this update packet.

You will notice that the Gold Standard Villages hae a new page numbering system.  Buildings continue throughout consecutively while the accessories for each have been re-styled.  You will also find that some sections have been re-worked, and are replaced altogether, such as Classic & Licensed Brands and commissioned & Licensed Exclusives.

If you are an active collector of the cureent releases and have the 2 volume set, this and future releases are a must to have.  With the addition of the binder set it makes it easy to add new years and keep your old pages without buying a complete new set. 


If you are only a past collector and not adding to your collection this packet is not necessary.